Love in the Air Event

Tomorrow starts a new event called “Love in the Air Event”. There is a new Fashion Set (4/4) with and without stats and 4 new consumables. Unfortunately, for DE/FR/US Flyff the items got downgraded like the sets in the previous events.                            

Love in the Air Event 25.08 - 22.09

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    Love in the Air Event

    Location: Saint Morning
    NPC: Kuzi
    Level: +15
    Task: Hunt level 15 or higher monsters to collect 10x Sol’s Necklace and 10x Luna’s Bracelet to get 1x Love Bag.

    Icon              Name                                          Description                             QTY Bind?
    Itm_Sol_Necklace Sol's Necklace Quest item: You get it by killing monsters +15 10 No
    Itm_Luna_Bracelet Luna's Bracelet Quest item: You get it by killing monsters +15 10 No
    Itm_Love_Bag Love Bag Box: Content listed below. 1 No

    Love Bag

    (One of the following items.)

    Icon                Name                                            Description                             QTY Bind?
    Itm_Sol_Bag Sol's Bag (M) Box: Use the box to obtain 1 of Hat, Suit, Gloves, or Shoes 1 No
    Itm_Luna_Pouch_ Luna's Pouch (F) Box: Use the box to obtain 1 of Hat, Suit, Gloves, or Shoes 1 No
    box-type1 Sol's (M) Set Fashion Set: 4 parts without stats 1 No
    box-type1 Luna's (F) Set Fashion Set: 4 parts without stats 1 No
    Itm_ElldinFood02-32 Eldin's Chocolate Food: Saves 20.000 HP in your Eldine's Jar. 1 Yes
    Itm_ElldinFood03-32 Eldin's Candy Food: Saves 10.000 HP in your Eldine's Jar. 1 Yes
    full-shout-icon 1 Day Full Shout Expands your shout range to the entire channel. Lasts for 1 day after activation. (Required level: 20) 1 Yes
    box-type21 Lucky Cloud Box Box: Get a Cotton Candy consumable or Riding Cloud (Sky Blue), Riding Cloud (Light pink), Riding Cloud (Orange), Riding Cloud (Blood Red) 1 Yes
    Itm_Honey Honey Consumable: Attack +5% for 10 Minutes
    Hint: Item stays when you die and doesn't have a combination restriction.
    1 Yes
    Itm_StrawChoco Chocolate-Covered Strawberries Consumable: All Stats +5 for 10 Minutes
    Hint: Item stays when you die and doesn't have a combination restriction.
    1 Yes
    Itm_Chili_Pepper Chili Pepper Consumable: ICD +5% for 10 Minutes
    Hint: Item stays when you die and doesn't have a combination restriction.
    1 Yes
    Itm_Pomegranate Pomegranate Consumable: PvE Damage +8% for 10 Minutes
    Hint: Item stays when you die and doesn't have a combination restriction.
    1 Yes
    valentine-chocolate-icon Love Chocolate Consumable: HP +10%, Attack +10% for 2 hours
    Hint: Item stays when you die and doesn't have a combination restriction.
    1 No
    liebliches-kohlekluempchen-icon Love Briquette Consumable: Add. Damage +200, DEF +150 for 10min
    Hint: Item stays when you die and doesn't have a combination restriction.
    2 No
    valentine-chocolate-icon Small Valentine Chocolate Consumable: HP +10%, Attack +10% for 5 min
    Hint: Item stays when you die and doesn't have a combination restriction.
    5 No
    hot-ddukguk Hot Ddukguk Food: Recovers 9999 HP 5 No
    fresh-ddukguk Fresh Ddukguk Food: Recovers 9999 FP 5 No
    sweet-ddukguk Sweet Ddukguk Food: Recovers 9999 MP 5 No

    Romantic Sol's / Luna's Set

    (Parts aren’t soul-linked)

       Look (M)       Look (F)     Icon 
             Name              Base Stats                        Set Stats                
    sol-set luna-set Itm_Sol_Head Itm_Luna_Head Romantic Sol's / Luna's Hat STA +5 4/4:
    Hit +5%
    Critical Chance +5%
    HP +5%
    Itm_Sol_Body Itm_Luna_Body Romantic Sol's / Luna's Suit STR +5
    itm_mYellowBasketballHand itm_fCloYellowCheerleadeHand Romantic Sol's / Luna's Gloves DEX +5
    Itm_Sol_Shoes Itm_Luna_Shoes Romantic Sol's / Luna's Shoes INT +5
    Romantic Sol's / Luna's Set - Base Stats and Upgrade Stats
          Hat             Gloves             Shoes             Suit      
    Base Stats STA +5 DEX +5 INT +5 STR +5
    Upgrade Stats +1 STA +1 DEX +1 INT +1 STR +1
    Upgrade Stats +2 STA +2 DEX +2 INT +2 STR +2
    Upgrade Stats +3 STA +3 DEX +3 INT +3 STR +3
    Upgrade Stats +4 STA +4 DEX +4 INT +4 STR +4
    Upgrade Stats +5 STA +5 DEX +5 INT +5 STR +5
    Upgrade Stats +6 STA +6 DEX +6 INT +6 STR +6
    Upgrade Stats +7 STA +7 DEX +7 INT +7 STR +7
    Upgrade Stats +8 STA +8 DEX +8 INT +8 STR +8
    Upgrade Stats +9 STA +9 DEX +9 INT +9 STR +9
    Upgrade Stats +10 STA +10 DEX +10 INT +10 STR +10

    Views: 6443

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