
  Icon              Name                         Effekt             Zeit         Einschränkung /    
               Nicht kombinierbar mit               
 Bind?  Art
Schokoladenmilch mit 99% Kakaoanteil Stats +10 10 Min Ja
Schokoladenkeks mit 99% Kakaoanteil Angriffstempo+5%,
Crit Rate +3%
10 Min Ja
Schokolade mit 99% Kakaoanteil Cast +5%, Ausweichen+3% 10 Min Ja
New Year Fresh Ddukguk Stats +15 15 Min Ja
New Year Sweet Ddukguk ATK+3%, Crit Rate+3% 15 Min Ja
New Year Hot Ddukguk Angriffstempo +5%, Cast +5% 15 Min Ja
Banana Gummy Bear ATK +5% 5 Min Ja
Banana Gummy Bear Cast +5%, Magieschaden +80 5 Min Ja
Melon Gummy Bear HP +5%, MP +5% 5 Min Ja
Mung Bean Cake ATK +5% 10 Min Ja
Egg Cake Crit Rate +5% 10 Min Ja
Red Bean Cake Stats +10 10 Min Ja
Maple Syrup Cast +10%, Angriffstempo +10% 20 Min Ja
Wine PvE +10%, CD +10% 20 Min Ja
Autumn Fruit Basket DEF +10%, HP +10%, MP +10% 20 Min Ja
Candy Basket Cast +10%, Magieschaden +80 20 Min Ja
Bat Pie PvE +10%, Stats +5 20 Min Ja
Bone Candy Nahkampfabwehr +3%, Fernkampfabwehr +3%, Def +3% 10 Min Ja
Halloween Pumpkin Pie ATK +10%, Angriffstempo +10% 20 Min Ja
Eyeball Candy CD +5% 20 Min Ja
Ghost Cookie Speed +5%, Ausweichen +5% 20 Min Ja
Kübis Lolli ATK +10%, HP + 20%, Stats +11 20 Min
Kürbissaft PvP +10% 10 Min
Itm_Honey Honig ATK +5% 10min Ja #L
Itm_StrawChoco Erdbeeren im Schokoladenmantel Stats +5 10min Ja #L
Itm_Chili_Pepper Chilischote CD +5% 10min Ja #L
Itm_Pomegranate Granatapfel PvE +8% 10min Ja #L
madrigalaxie-powerup-2020-1 Galaxy Shake HP +5%, Crit Rate +5% 5min #L
golden-apple Shining Star Apple Cast +5%, Stats +5 5min #L
christmas-tea-icon Milky Way Tea ATK +5%, Treffersicherheit +5% 5min #L
Elixir_of_Hunting Elixir of Hunting PvE +10%, ATK +10%, Suck Bood +5% 30min Ja u. Nein #T
Elixir_of_Cleverness Elixir of Cleverness ATK +15%, Angriffstempo +15% 5min Ja #T
Energy_Potion Energy Potion MP +15%, Cast +15% 5min Ja #T
Courage_Potion Courage Potion HP +15%, ATK +15% 5min Ja #T
Blueberry_Jam Blueberry Jam Stats +15 5min Ja #T
itm_Rawmeat Raw Meat PvE +5%, Speed +5% 10min #L
Itm_ElvenBread Elven Bread HP +5%, ATK +5% 10min #L
itm_Freshtomato Fresh Tomato Stats +5, CD +5% 10min #L
itm_Unripeapple Unripe Apple HP +5%, Cast +5% 10min #L
Itm_EveIce06-peach Eisflocken (Pfirsich) PvE +5%, ATK +5% 10min #L
Itm_EveIce05-grape Eisflocken (Traube) Ausweichen +3%, Reflect Damage +3% 10min #L
Itm_EveIce04-mind Eisflocken (Minze) Nahkampfabwehr und Fernkampfabwehr +3% 10min #L
Medicine of Copious Bleeding
CD +10% 1 Std #T
Medicine of Magic
Magieschaden +20 1 Std #T
Medicine of MP
MP +10% 1 Std #T
Medicine of Resistance
Magieresistance +50 1 Std #T
Medicine for Thinking
Cast +10% 1 Std #T
Medicine of Evasion
Ausweichrate +5% 1 Std #T
Medicine for Attack
Angriffstempo +10% 1 Std #T
Medicine for Sharpness
Crit Rate +10% 1 Std #T
Medicine for Hit
Treffsicherheit +10% 1 Std #T
medicine-for-protection-icon Medicine of Protection DEF +100 1 Std
Black Coffe, Gray Cotton Candy, Gray Cotton Candy (Event) |
Medicine of Strong Defense, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
medicine-of-strong-defence-icon Medicine of Strong Defense DEF +200 1 Std Medicine of Protection, Black Coffe, Gray Cotton Candy, Gray Cotton Candy (Event), wenn Medicine of Strong Defense zuerst aktiviert wurde* #T
medicine-for-int-icon Medicine for INT INT+10 1 Std
allen Magican’s Flask, Melone Cookie, beiden Blue Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong INT, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
medicine-for-strong-int-icon Medicine of Strong INT INT+20 1 Std
Medicine for INT, allen Magican’s Flask, Melone Cookie, Flask Blue Cotton Candy (beide Versionen), wenn Medicine of Strong INT zuerst aktiviert wurde*
medicine-for-str-icon Medicine for STR STR+10 1 Std
Allen Warrior’s Flask, Red Cotton Candy (beide Versionen) |
Medicine of Strong STR, allen 4 Buff Cards / 4 CARDs (N), allen 3 Teddy Bear, wenn diese genannten zuerst aktiviert wurden*
medicine-for-strong-str-icon Medicine of Strong STR STR+20 1 Std
Medicine for STR, allen Warrior’s Flask, beiden Red Cotton Candy, wenn Medicine of Strong STR zuerst aktiviert wurde*
medicine-for-sta-icon Medicine for STA STA+10 1 Std
Purple Cotton Candy (beide Versionen) |
Medicine of Strong STA, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
medicine-of-strong-sta-icon Medicine of Strong STA STA+20 1 Std
Medicine for STA, beiden Purple Cotton Candy, wenn Medicine of Strong STA zuerst aktiviert wurde*
medicine-for-dex-icon Medicine for DEX DEX+10 1 Std
allen Assist’s Flask, Flask of the Acrobat (N), Green Cotton Candy (beide Versionen) |
Medicine of Strong DEX, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
medicine-of-strong-dex-icon Medicine of Strong DEX DEX+20 1 Std
Medicine for DEX, allen Assist’s Flask, Flask of the Acrobat (N), beiden Green Cotton Candy, wenn Medicine for Strong DEX zuerst aktiviert wurde*
fake-apprentice-assist-flask-icon Fake Apprentice Assist’s Flask HP +10%, DEX+10,
CD +10%
1 Tag
anderen Assist’s Flask, Flask of the Acrobat (N), Medicine for DEX, beiden Green Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong DEX, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
fake-expert-assist-flask-icon Fake Expert Assist’s Flask HP +15%, DEX+15,
CD +15%
1 Tag
anderen Assist’s Flask, Flask of the Acrobat (N), Medicine for DEX, beiden Green Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong DEX, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
fake-apprentice-assist-flask-icon Apprentice Assist’s Flask HP +10%, DEX+10,
CD +10%
anderen Assist’s Flask, Flask of the Acrobat (N), Medicine for DEX, beiden Green Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong DEX, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
fake-expert-assist-flask-icon Expert Assist’s Flask HP +15%, DEX+15,
CD +15%
30Tage anderen Assist’s Flask, Flask of the Acrobat (N), Medicine for DEX, beiden Green Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong DEX, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
fake-expert-assist-flask-icon 1 Day Unstable Flask of the Acrobat (N) HP +15%, DEX+15,
CD +15%
1 Tag
anderen Assist’s Flask, Flask of the Acrobat (N), Medicine for DEX, beiden Green Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong DEX, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
ja #T
fake-apprentice-magican-flask-icon Fake Apprentice Magican’s Flask Cast +10%, INT+10,
MP +10%
1 Tag
anderen Magican’s Flask, Medicine for INT, Melone Cookie, beiden Blue Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong INT, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
fake-expert-magican-flask-icon Fake Expert Magican’s Flask Cast +15%, INT+15,
MP +15%
1 Tag
anderen Magican’s Flask, Medicine for INT, Melone Cookie, beiden Blue Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong INT, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
fake-apprentice-magican-flask-icon Apprentice Magican’s Flask Cast +10%, INT+10,
MP +10%
30Tage anderen Magican’s Flask, Medicine for INT, Melone Cookie, beiden Blue Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong INT, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
fake-expert-magican-flask-icon Expert Magican’s Flask Cast +15%, INT+15,
MP +15%
30Tage anderen Magican’s Flask, Medicine for INT, Melone Cookie, beiden Blue Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong INT, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
fake-expert-magican-flask-icon 1 Day Unstable Flask of the Magican (N) Cast +15%, INT+15,
MP +15%
1 Tag
anderen Magican’s Flask, Medicine for INT, Melone Cookie, beiden Blue Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong INT, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
ja #T
fake-apprentice-warrior-flask-icon Fake Apprentice Warrior’s Flask Angriffstempo+10%,
STR+10, Crit Rate +10%
1 Tag
anderen Warrior’s Flask, Medicine for STR, beiden Red Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong STR, allen 4 Buff Cards /
4 CARDs (N), allen 3 Teddy Bear, wenn diese genannten zuerst aktiviert wurden*
fake-expert-warrior-flask-icon Fake Expert Warrior’s Flask Angriffstempo +15%,
STR+15, Crit Rate +15%
1 Tag
anderen Warrior’s Flask, Medicine for STR, beiden Red Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong STR, allen 4 Buff Cards /
4 CARDs (N), allen 3 Teddy Bear, wenn diese genannten zuerst aktiviert wurden*
fake-apprentice-warrior-flask-icon Apprentice Warrior’s Flask Angriffstempo +10%,
STR+10, Crit Rate +10%
30Tage anderen Warrior’s Flask, Medicine for STR, beiden Red Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong STR, allen 4 Buff Cards /
4 CARDs (N), allen 3 Teddy Bear, wenn diese genannten zuerst aktiviert wurden*
fake-expert-warrior-flask-icon Expert Warrior’s Flask Angriffstempo +15%,
STR+15, Crit Rate +15%
30Tage anderen Warrior’s Flask, Medicine for STR, beiden Red Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong STR, allen 4 Buff Cards /
4 CARDs (N), allen 3 Teddy Bear, wenn diese genannten zuerst aktiviert wurden*
fake-expert-warrior-flask-icon 1 Day Unstable Flask of the Warrior (N) Angriffstempo +15%,
STR+15, Crit Rate +15%
1 Tag
anderen Warrior’s Flask, Medicine for STR, beiden Red Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong STR, allen 4 Buff Cards /
4 CARDs (N), allen 3 Teddy Bear, wenn diese genannten zuerst aktiviert wurden*
ja #T
fury-potion-icon Fury Potion CD +15% 1 Std
Upgraded Fury Potion*
upgraded-fury-potion-icon Upgraded Fury Potion CD +30% 1 Std
Fury Potion*
refresher-hold-icon Refresher Hold
MP +100% Regeneration und Aufrechterhaltung
20min #T
activation-icon Activation 10
Skills sind ohne Verzögerung einsetzbar
10min Christmas Tea, Activation 30 #T
activation-icon Activation 30
Skills sind ohne Verzögerung einsetzbar
30min Christmas Tea, Activation 10 #T
christmas-tea-icon Christmas Tea
Skills sind ohne Verzögerung einsetzbar
10min Activation 10, Activation 30 #T
vitaldrink-x-icon Vitaldrink X
FP +100% Regeneration und Aufrechterhaltung
20min #T
cooked-fish Gekochter Fisch HP +10%, Treffersicherheit +15% 10min #L
buttered-shrimp Gebutterte Garnelen ATK +10%, Cast +10% 10min #L
carlic-crab Knoblauch Krabbe CD +10%, Stats +10 10min #L
grilled-squid Gegrillter Tintenfisch ATK +250, DEF +200 10min #L
rum Rum PvP +10%, ATK +7%, Crit Rate +7%, Treffersicherheit +15% 5min #L
fita-cookie-f-icon FITA Cookie (F) Speed+15% 3min #L
fita-cookie-i-icon FITA Cookie (I) DEF +150 3min #L
fita-cookie-t-icon FITA Cookie (T) ATK +200 3min #L
fita-cookie-a-icon FITA Cookie (A) Stats +10 3min #L
black-coffee-icon Black Coffee DEF +30 30min
Medicine of Protection, Gray Cotton Candy, Gray Cotton Candy (Event) |
Medicine of Strong Defense, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
White Coffee
Angriffstempo +5% 30min #L
Intense Coffe
Crit Rate +5% 30min #L
Dumb Bull Steak
Crit Rate +5%, HP+500 2min #L
Milk Chocolate
Speed+10% 3min #L
Speed 20% 3min #L
Super Star Candy
Stats +10 2 Std #L
Super Star Candy (N)
Stats +10 2 Std ja #L
Pure Salt
Stats +5 3min #L
melone-cookie-icon Melone Cookie Stats +2 3min
allen Magican’s Flask, Medicine for INT, beiden Blue Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong INT, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
Stats +2 3min ja #L
Stats +3 3min #L
Uriel Cold Noodle Soup
MP +50% 30sek #L
uriel-cold-noodle-soup-icon Uriel Cold Noodle Soup(N) MP +50% 30sek Ja #L
Red Drop
STR+5 3min #L
Yellow Drop
DEX+5 3min #L
Clear Drop
INT+5 3min #L
Green Macaron
INT+3, Cast +5% 5min #L
Dark Blue Macaron
STR+3, Crit Rate +5% 5min #L
Pink Macaron
STA+3, DEF +30 5min #L
Gold Macaron
Angriffstempo +5%, Treffsicherheit +5% 5min #L
Red Macaron
Ausweichrate +5%
5min #L
Pumpkin Soup
FP +50% 30sek #L
pumpkin-soup-icon Pumpkin Soup(N) FP +50% 30sek Ja #L
Ice Flake with Lemon Syrup
Speed+20% 3min #L
Ice Flake with Strawberry Sirup
Angriffstempo +20% 3min #L
Ice Flake with Blue Hawaii Syrup
Sprunghöhe +50% 3min #L
Christmas Cake
ATK +10% 20min #L
Christmas Cake (N)
ATK +10% 20min ja #L
Valentine Chocolate
ATK +10%, HP +10% 2 Std #L
Valentine Day Chocolate
ATK +10%, HP +10% 5min #L
Small Valentine Chocolate (N)
ATK +10%, HP +10% 5min ja #L
grilled-eel-icon Grilled Eel HP +50% 1 Std
Bull Hamstern, Bull Hamstern(N), Grilled Eel (Event)*
grilled-eel-icon Grilled Eel (Event) HP +50% 1 Std
Bull Hamstern, Bull Hamstern(N), Grilled Eel*
ja #L
bull_hamstern-icon Bull Hamstern HP +1200 1 Std
Bull Hamstern(N), Grilled Eel, Grilled Eel (Event)*
bull_hamstern-icon Bull Hamstern(N) HP +1200 1 Std Bull Hamstern, Grilled Eel, Grilled Eel (Event)* Ja #L
Green Root Beer
HP +100, Speed+5% 10min #L
Ginger Bread
HP +25% 15min #L
Ginger Bread (N)
HP +25% 15min ja #L
Flaris Wine
Stats +3,
Angriffstempo +3%
10min #L
Saint Morning Wine
MP +100, FP +100,
HP +100
10min #L
Darkon Wine
ATK +3%,
Fernkampfabwehr +3%,
Treffsicherheit +3%
10min #L
shaduwar-wine-icon Shaduwar Wine
Stats +5, ATK +120
10min #L
eillun-wine-icon Eillun Wine
HP, MP und FP +150
10min #L
bahara-desert-wine-icon Bahara Desert Wine
ATK +5%, Cast +5%,
Treffsicherheit +10%
10min #L
flaris-wine-icon Red Wine Crit Rate + 10%,
Treffsicherheit +10%
10min #L
saucy-carbonara Saucy Carbonara Stats +7 10min #L
christmas-cake Wedding Cake CD 10%,
Angriffstempo +10%
10min #L
pink-cotton-candy Pink Cotton Candy (Event) Crit Rate +5% 6 Std #L
pink-cotton-candy Pink Cotton Candy Crit Rate +5% 5min #L
White Cotton Candy (Event)
Cast +5% 6 Std #L
White Cotton Candy
Cast +5% 5min #L
blue-cotton-candy-icon Blue Cotton Candy INT+3 6 Std
allen Magican’s Flask, Melone Cookie, Blue Cotton Candy, Medicine for INT |
Medicine of Strong INT, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
blue-cotton-candy-icon Blue Cotton Candy INT+3 5min
allen Magican’s Flask, Melone Cookie, Blue Cotton Candy, Medicine for INT |
Medicine of Strong INT, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
green-cotton-candy-icon Green Cotton Candy (Event) DEX+3 6 Std
allen Assist’s Flask, Flask of the Acrobat (N), Green Cotton Candy, Medicine for DEX |
Medicine of Strong DEX, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
green-cotton-candy-icon Green Cotton Candy DEX+3 5min
allen Assist’s Flask, Flask of the Acrobat (N), Green Cotton Candy (Event), Medicine for DEX |
Medicine of Strong DEX, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
red-cotton-candy-icon Red Cotton Candy (Event) STR+3 6 Std
allen Warrior’s Flask, Red Cotton Candy, Medicine for STR |
Medicine of Strong STR, allen 4 Buff Cards /
4 CARDs (N), allen 3 Teddy Bear, wenn diese genannten zuerst aktiviert wurden*
red-cotton-candy-icon Red Cotton Candy STR+3 5min
allen Warrior’s Flask, Red Cotton Candy (Event), Medicine for STR |
Medicine of Strong STR, allen 4 Buff Cards /
4 CARDs (N), allen 3 Teddy Bear, wenn diese genannten zuerst aktiviert wurden*
Yellow Cotton Candy (Event)
Angriffstempo +5% 6 Std #L
Yellow Cotton Candy
Angriffstempo +5% 5min #L
purple-cotton-candy-icon Purple Cotton Candy (Event) STA+3 6 Std
Purple Cotton Candy*
purple-cotton-candy-icon Purple Cotton Candy STA+3 5min
Purple Cotton Candy (Event)*
Sky-Blue Cotton Candy (Event)
Ausweichrate +5% 6 Std #L
Sky-Blue Cotton Candy
Ausweichrate +5% 5min #L
gray-cotton-candy-icon Gray Cotton Candy (Event) DEF +30 6 Std
Black Coffe, Medicine of Protection, Gray Cotton Candy |
Medicine of Strong Defense, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
gray-cotton-candy-icon Gray Cotton Candy DEF +30 5min
Black Coffe, Medicine of Protection, Gray Cotton Candy (Event) |
Medicine of Strong Defense, wenn “of Strong” zuerst aktiviert wurde*
Orange Cotton Candy (Event)
Treffsicherheit +5% 6 Std #L
Orange Cotton Candy
Treffsicherheit +5% 5min #L
Pink Egg
Crit Rate +5% 5min #L
Pink Egg
ATK +5% 8min #L
Pink Egg 2017
ATK +5% 8min #L
pink-egg-icon Pink Egg 2021 Treffsicherheit +10% 8min #L
Purple Egg
STA+3 5min #L
Purple Egg
ATK +110 8min #L
Purple Egg 2017
ATK +110 8min #L
Purple Egg 2021
ATK +184 8min #L
Gray Egg
DEF +30 5min #L
Gray Egg
Fernkampfabwehr +6% 8min #L
Gray Egg 2017
Fernkampfabwehr +6% 8min #L
gray-egg-icon Gray Egg 2021 Nahkampfabwehr +12% 8min #L
Orange Egg
Treffsicherheit +5% 5min #L
orange-egg-icon Orange Egg DEF +180 8min #L
Orange Egg 2017
DEF +180 8min #L
orange-egg-icon Orange Egg 2021 HP +10% 8min #L
Yellow Egg
Angriffstempo +5% 5min #L
Yellow Egg
DEF +6% 8min #L
Yellow Egg 2017
DEF +6% 8min #L
yellow-egg-icon Yellow Egg 2021 DEF +8% 8min #L
White Egg
Cast +5% 5min #L
White Egg
Nahkampfabwehr +6% 8min #L
White Egg 2017
Nahkampfabwehr +6% 8min #L
white-egg-icon White Egg 2021 Fernkampfabwehr +12% 8min #L
Red Egg
STR+3 5min #L
Red Egg
Magieschaden +210 8min #L
Red Egg 2017
Magieschaden +210 8min #L
red-egg-icon Red Egg 2021 Magieschaden +299 8min #L
Sky Blue Egg
Ausweichrate +5% 5min #L
Sky Blue Egg
Speed+6% 8min #L
Sky Blue Egg 2017
Speed+6% 8min #L
sky-blue-egg-icon Sky Blue Egg 2021 Speed +12% 8min #L
Blue Egg
DEX+3 5min #L
Blue Egg
PvE +8% 8min #L
Blue Egg 2017
PvE +8% 8min #L
blue-egg-icon Blue Egg 2021 Reflect Damage +10% 8min #L
Green Egg
INT+3 5min #L
Green Egg
PvP +6% 8min #L
Green Egg 2017
PvP +6% 8min #L
green-egg-icon Green Egg 2021 PvP +12% 8min #L
bora-egg Bora Ei ATK +10%, HP +15% 30min Ja #L
itm_Blueberry Blaubeere ATK +5%, Cast +5% 10min #L
itm_Strawberry Erdbeere ATK +5%, CD +5% 10min #L
itm_Mushroom Pilz HP +5%, Stats +5 10min #L
itm_GreenTea Tee PvE +10%, Speed +10% 10min #L
GoldPill Divine Shield Man bekommt keinen Schaden (Unsterblichkeit) 15sek Kein Cooldown Ja #L
2011-fwc-card-icon 2011 FWC Card Zusätzl. Schaden +320,
Stats +11, HP +20%
1 Std
2015 Siege Buddy, 2015 Card*
2011-fwc-card-icon 2015 Siege Buddy Zusätzl. Schaden +320,
Stats +11, HP +20%
1 Std
2011 FWC Card, 2011 Card (N), 2011 Card, 2011 FWC Card (N)*
2011 FWC Card (Bind)
Zusätzl. Schaden +320,
Stats +11, HP +20%
1 Std ja #V
2011-fwc-card-icon 2011 Card (N) Zusätzl. Schaden +320,
Stats +11, HP +20%
1 Std
2015 Siege Buddy, 2015 Card*
ja #V
2011-card-icon 2011 Card HP +50% 1 Std
2015 Card, 2015 Siege Buddy*
2011-card-icon 2015 Card HP +50% 1 Std
2011 Card, 2011 FWC Card (N), 2011 FWC Card, 2011 Card (N)*
2011 Card (Bind)
HP +50% 1 Std ja #V
2011-card-icon 2011 FWC Card (N) HP +50% 1 Std
2015 Siege Buddy, 2015 Card*
ja #V
jack-buff-card-icon Jack Buff Card HP +20%, STA+13 1 Std
anderen Buff Cards, CARDs (N) |
Medicine for STR, allen Warrior’s Flask, beiden Red Cotton Candy, wenn diese Karte zuerst aktiviert wurde*
jack-buff-card-icon JACK CARD (N) HP +20%, STA+13 1 Std
anderen Buff Cards, CARDs (N) |
Medicine for STR, allen Warrior’s Flask, beiden Red Cotton Candy, wenn diese Karte zuerst aktiviert wurde*
ja #V
queen-buff-card-icon Queen Buff Card Magieschaden +50,
1 Std
anderen Buff Cards, CARDs (N) |
Medicine for STR, allen Warrior’s Flask, beiden Red Cotton Candy, wenn diese Karte zuerst aktiviert wurde*
queen-buff-card-icon QUEEN CARD (N) Magieschaden +50,
1 Std
anderen Buff Cards, CARDs (N) |
Medicine for STR, allen Warrior’s Flask, beiden Red Cotton Candy, wenn diese Karte zuerst aktiviert wurde*
ja #V
king-buff-card-icon King Buff Card ATK +10%, STR+13 1 Srd
anderen Buff Cards, CARDs (N) |
Medicine for STR, allen Warrior’s Flask, beiden Red Cotton Candy, wenn diese Karte zuerst aktiviert wurde*
king-buff-card-icon KING CARD (N) ATK +10%, STR+13 1 Std
Buff Cards, CARDs (N) |
Medicine for STR, allen Warrior’s Flask, beiden Red Cotton Candy, wenn diese Karte zuerst aktiviert wurde*
ja #V
ace-buff-card-icon Ace Buff Card CD +10%, DEX+13 1 Std
anderen Buff Cards, CARDs (N) |
Medicine for STR, allen Warrior’s Flask, beiden Red Cotton Candy, wenn diese Karte zuerst aktiviert wurde*
ace-buff-card-icon ACE CARD (N) CD +10%, DEX+13 1 Std
anderen Buff Cards, CARDs (N) |
Medicine for STR, allen Warrior’s Flask, beiden Red Cotton Candy, wenn diese Karte zuerst aktiviert wurde*
ja #V
itm_Mighty10Card Die mächte Karte 10 HP +20%, ATK +50%, Treffersicherheit +15% 5min nein #V
Scroll of Combat 20
Erlittener Schaden beim PvP -20% 30sek #V
scroll-of-sprint-icon Scroll of Velocity Speed+50%,
Sprunghöhe +150%
Jump Scroll*
Scroll of Sprint
Speed+50% 3min #V
scroll-of-sprint-icon Jump Scroll Sprunghöhe +100% 3min
Scroll of Velocity*
Charm Bronze
Speed+30% 3min #V
Pride of Victory
HP +20%, ATK +5% 1 Std #V
Pride of Victory (Bind)
HP +20%, ATK +5% 1 Std #V
Black Football
DEF +200 30min #V
Black Soccer Ball 2018
ATK +5%, DEF +300 20min #V
Red Football
ATK +300 30min #V
Red Soccer Ball 2018
ATK +300, HP +5% 20min #V
Blue Football
HP +300 30min #V
Blue Soccer Ball 2018
HP +300, DEF +5% 20min #V
yellow-teddy-bear-icon Yellow Teddy Bear HP +300 30min
Medicine for STR, allen Warrior’s Flask, beiden Red Cotton Candy, wenn dieser Teddy Bear zuerst aktiviert wurde*
ja #V
blue-teddy-bear-icon Blue Teddy Bear DEF +150,
Nahkampfabwehr +5%,
Fernkampfabwehr +5%
Medicine for STR, allen Warrior’s Flask, beiden Red Cotton Candy, wenn dieser Teddy Bear zuerst aktiviert wurde*
ja #V
pink-teddy-bear-icon Pink Teddy Bear ATK +100, PvP +5% 30min
Medicine for STR, allen Warrior’s Flask, beiden Red Cotton Candy, wenn dieser Teddy Bear zuerst aktiviert wurde*
ja #V
pot-of-love-icon Pot of Love HP +150 1 Std
Secret of Strengthening Reihe, einem anderen "Pot of"|
(Stufe 1 der Pot Reihe)*
ja #V
pot-of-bud-icon Pot of Bud HP +300 1 Std
Secret of Strengthening Reihe, einem anderen "Pot of" |
(Stufe 2 der Pot Reihe, liegt nach Ablauf von Pot of Love im Inventar)*
ja #V
pot-of-favors-icon Pot of Favors HP +300, ATK +5% 1 Std
Secret of Strengthening Reihe, einem anderen "Pot of" |
(Stufe 3 der Pot Reihe, liegt nach Ablauf von Pot of Bud im Inventar)*
ja #V
pot-of-respect-icon Pot of Respect HP +300, ATK +10% 1 Std
Secret of Strengthening Reihe, einem anderen "Pot of" |
(Stufe 4 der Pot Reihe, liegt nach Ablauf von Pot of Love Favors Inventar)*
ja #V
pot-of-thanks-icon Pot of Thanks HP +300, ATK +15%,
EXP +10%
1 Std
Secret of Strengthening Reihe, einem anderen "Pot of" |
(Stufe 5 der Pot Reihe, liegt nach Ablauf von Pot of Respect im Inventar)*
ja #V
secret-of-strengthening-b-icon Secret of Strengthening (B) ATK +100, HP +150 1 Std
"Pot of" Reihe, einem anderen "Strengthening" |
(Stufe 1 der Strengthening Reihe)*
secret-of-strengthening-a-icon Secret of Strengthening (A) ATK +200, HP +300 1 Std
"Pot of" Reihe, einem anderen "Strengthening" |
(Stufe 2 der Strengthening Reihe, liegt nach Ablauf von Secret of Strengthening (B) im Inventar)*
ja #V
secret-of-strengthening-s-icon Secret of Strengthening (S) ATK +300, HP +450 1 Std
"Pot of" Reihe, einem anderen "Strengthening" |
(Stufe 2 der Strengthening Reihe, liegt nach Ablauf von Secret of Strengthening (A) im Inventar)*
ja #V
upcut-stone-icon Upcut Stone ATK +20% 20min
Special Upcut Stone*
upcut-stone-icon Special Upcut Stone ATK +20% 20min
Upcut Stone*
ja #V
Liebliches Kohleklümpchen
Zusätzl. Schaden +200, DEF +150 10min #V
Speed+15% 1 Std #V
DEF +150 1 Std #V
ATK +200 1 Std #V
upcut-stone-icon Unscheinbarer Upcut Stone entweder HP -50%
entweder Speed -50%
entweder MP -50%
entweder Cast -50%
entweder Stats -20
entweder Stats +5
entweder HP +5000
Alle 7 Effekte können gleichzeitig aktiviert werden.*
(nicht stapelbar)
ja #V
Flame Spirit’s Anger
Schaden gegen Monster des Elements Wind x2 1min #V
Earth Spirit’s Anger
Schaden gegen Monster des Elements Blitz x2 1min #V
Lightning Spirit’s Anger
Schaden gegen Monster des Elements Wasser x2 1min #V
Water Spirit’s Anger
Schaden gegen Monster des Elements Feuer x2 1min #V
Wind Spirit’s Anger
Schaden gegen Monster des Elements Erde x2 1min #V
pink-balloon-icon Pink Balloon (Event) ATK +50 6 Std anderen Balloon* ja
pink-balloon-icon Pink Balloon ATK +50 2 Tage anderen Balloon*
yellow-balloon-icon Yellow Balloon HP +150 6 Std anderen Balloon* ja
yellow-balloon-icon Yellow Balloon (Event) HP +150 2 Tage anderen Balloon*
blue-balloon-icon Blue Balloon (Event) DEF +100 6 Std anderen Balloon* ja
blue-balloon-icon Blue Balloon DEF +100 2 Tage anderen Balloon*
vietnam-balloon-icon-2 Vietnam Balloon HP +200 5 Tage anderen Balloon*
japan-balloon-icon Japan Balloon HP +200 5 Tage anderen Balloon*
philippines-balloon-icon Philippines Balloon HP +200 5 Tage anderen Balloon*
potato-balloon-icon Potato Balloon HP +200 5 Tage anderen Balloon*
chameleon-balloon-icon Chameleon Balloon HP +200 5 Tage anderen Balloon*
lvl1-bead-icon Bead of STR Lvl 1 STR+3 1 Std
lvl1-bead-icon Bead of STA Lvl 1 STA+3 1 Std
lvl1-bead-icon Bead of DEX Lvl 1 DEX+3 1 Std
lvl1-bead-icon Bead of INT Lvl 1 INT+3 1 Std
lvl1-bead-icon Bead of Additional Damage Lvl 1 zusätzlicher Schaden +50 1 Std
lvl1-bead-icon Bead of Attack Lvl 1 ATK +20 1 Std
lvl1-bead-icon Bead of Blessing Lvl 1 HP +50 1 Std
lvl1-bead-icon Bead of Defense Lvl 1 DEF +20 1 Std
lvl1-bead-icon Bead of Evasion Lvl 1 Ausweichrate +2% 1 Std
lvl1-bead-icon Bead of Hit Lvl 1 Crit Rate +3% 1 Std
lvl1-bead-icon Bead of Long Range Block Lvl 1 Fernkampfabwehr +3% 1 Std
lvl1-bead-icon Bead of Magic Attack Lvl 1 Magieschaden +20 1 Std
lvl1-bead-icon Bead of Sharpness Lvl 1 Treffsicherheit +3% 1 Std
lvl1-bead-icon Bead of Short Range Block Lvl 1 Nahkampfabwehr +3% 1 Std