Halloween Necklace/Cloak and potential new consumables

On Friday we showed you the upcoming Thanksgiving Event 2021. There is also an upcoming Halloween Event 2021. Unfortunately, we can’t show you the whole event post, but we can show you our new Necklace and new Cloak as well as potential new consumables.                                          

Icon                Name                                            Description                             QTY Bind?
Itm_EventVanHarlenNecklace Van Harlen Necklace 2021 Necklace: All Stats +10, Attack +5% and these upgrade stats Yes (once equipped)
Zombie-Hunter-Cloak Zombie Cloak 2021 Cloak: HP +10%, Parry +5%, Ranged Block +5%, Melee Block +5%, DEF +5% Yes (once equipped)
Itm_Candybasket Candy Basket Consumable: D. Casting Time +10%, Magic Attack +80. Lasts 20 Minutes.

Hint: This item doesn't have a combination restriction, you don't lose it when you die.
Itm_Batpie Bat Pie Consumable: PvE Damage +10%, All Stats +5. Lasts 10 Minutes.

Hint: This item doesn't have a combination restriction, you don't lose it when you die.
Itm_Skullcandy Skull Candy Consumable: Melee Block +3%, Ranged Block +3%, DEF +3%. Lasts 20 Minutes.

Hint: This item doesn't have a combination restriction, you don't lose it when you die.
Itm_Eyecandy Eye Candy Consumable: ICD +5%. Lasts 20 Minutes.

Hint: This item doesn't have a combination restriction, you don't lose it when you die.
Itm_Halloweenpie Halloween Pie Consumable: Attack +10%, Attack-Speed +10%. Lasts 20 Minutes.

Hint: This item doesn't have a combination restriction, you don't lose it when you die.
Itm_Ghostcookie Ghost Cookie Consumable: Speed +5%, Parry +5%. Lasts 20 Minutes.

Hint: This item doesn't have a combination restriction, you don't lose it when you die.

Van Harlen Necklace 2021 - Upgrade Stats

Basic Stats:  All Stats +10, Attack +5%

+1 All Stats +1, PvE Damage +1%
+2 All Stats +1, PvE Damage +1%
+3 All Stats +1, PvE Damage +1%
+4 All Stats +1, PvE Damage +1%
+5 All Stats +1, PvE Damage +1%
+6 All Stats +2, PvE Damage +2%
+7 All Stats +3, PvE Damage +2%
+8 All Stats +4, PvE Damage +2%
+9 All Stats +5, PvE Damage +2%
+10 All Stats +6, PvE Damage +3%
+11 All Stats +7, PvE Damage +3%
+12 All Stats +8, PvE Damage +3%
+13 All Stats +9, PvE Damage +4%
+14 All Stats +10, PvE Damage +4%
+15 All Stats +12, PvE Damage +4%
+16 All Stats +14, PvE Damage +5%
+17 All Stats +16, PvE Damage +5%
+18 All Stats +18, PvE Damage +6%
+19 All Stats +20, PvE Damage +8%
+20 All Stats +25, PvE Damage +10%

Views: 1997

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We switched to Flyff Universe

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