Halloween Event 2021

Tomorrow starts a new event called “Halloween Event 2021”. There is a new Necklace, a new Cloak, and 8 new consumables. Unfortunately, for DE/FR/US Flyff the items got downgraded like the sets in the previous events.                                       

Halloween Event 2021 vom 06. Oct - 03. Nov.

Table of Contents
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    1. Quest: Trick or Treat Box

    Location: Flarine
    NPC: Mysterious Robed Lady
    Level: +15
    Task: Hunt level 15 or higher monsters to collect 20x 2021 Garlic and 20x 2021 Cross to get 1x Trick or Treat Box.

    Icon              Name                                          Description                             QTY Bind?
    Itm_EventGarlic 2021 Garlic Quest item: You get it by killing monsters +15 20 No
    Itm_EventCROSS2 2021 Cross Quest item: You get it by killing monsters +15 20 No
    box-type11 Trick or Treat Box Box: Content listed below. 1 No

    Trick or Treat Box

    (One of the following items, click on the link to see a in-game picture)

    Icon                Name                                            Description                             QTY Bind?
    Itm_EventVanHarlenNecklace Vampire Hunters Necklace Necklace: All Stats +10, Attack +5% and these upgrade stats 1 Yes (once equipped)
    Zombie-Hunter-Cloak 2021 Zombie Hunter's Cloak Cloak: HP +10%, Parry +5%, Ranged Block +5%, Melee Block +5%, DEF +5% 1 Yes (once equipped)
    Itm_RidRidWinFeather02 Arch Demon Wings Cloak: Without stats 1 No
    tamed-bolo Tamed Bolo Pick-Up Pet 1 No
    chain-saw Terrifying Chainsaw Decoration Weapon (One Handed Sword for Vagrant) 1 No
    Itm_BlackPumpkinMask Black Pumpkin Mask Fashion Hat: All Stats +7, HP +250, MP +250 1 No
    Itm_Candybasket Candy Basket Consumable: D. Casting Time +10%, Magic Attack +80. Lasts 20 Minutes.

    Hint: This item doesn't have a combination restriction, you don't lose it when you die.
    2 Yes
    Itm_Batpie Bat Pie Consumable: PvE Damage +10%, All Stats +5. Lasts 20 Minutes.

    Hint: This item doesn't have a combination restriction, you don't lose it when you die.
    2 Yes
    Itm_Skullcandy Bone Candy Consumable: Melee Block +3%, Ranged Block +3%, DEF +3%. Lasts 10 Minutes.

    Hint: This item doesn't have a combination restriction, you don't lose it when you die.
    2 Yes
    Itm_Eyecandy Eyeball Candy Consumable: ICD +5%. Lasts 20 Minutes.

    Hint: This item doesn't have a combination restriction, you don't lose it when you die.
    2 Yes
    itm_PumpkingLollipop Pumpkin Lollipop Consumable: Attack +20%, HP +20%, All Stts +11. Lasts 20 Minutes.

    Hint: This item doesn't have a combination restriction, you don't lose it when you die.
    2 No
    itm_PumpkinJuice Pumpkin Juice Consumable: PvP Damage +10%. Lasts 10 Minutes.

    Hint: This item doesn't have a combination restriction, you don't lose it when you die.
    2 No
    Itm_GenMagTriFiresh Jack-O-Lantern Fireworks This Festive Firework lights up the sky with a gigantic Jack-O-Lantern! 1 No
    pumpkin-soup-icon Pumpkin Soup Consumable: +50% FP for 30 Seconds 5 No
    pumpkin-pie Pumpkin Pie Food: Recovers +5000 HP 5 No
    super-star-candy-icon Star Candy Food: Recovers +975 HP 5 No

    Vampire Hunters Necklace - Upgrade Stats

    Basic Stats:  All Stats +10, Attack +5%

    +1 All Stats +1, PvE Damage +1%
    +2 All Stats +1, PvE Damage +1%
    +3 All Stats +1, PvE Damage +1%
    +4 All Stats +1, PvE Damage +1%
    +5 All Stats +1, PvE Damage +1%
    +6 All Stats +2, PvE Damage +2%
    +7 All Stats +3, PvE Damage +2%
    +8 All Stats +4, PvE Damage +2%
    +9 All Stats +5, PvE Damage +2%
    +10 All Stats +6, PvE Damage +3%
    +11 All Stats +7, PvE Damage +3%
    +12 All Stats +8, PvE Damage +3%
    +13 All Stats +9, PvE Damage +4%
    +14 All Stats +10, PvE Damage +4%
    +15 All Stats +12, PvE Damage +4%
    +16 All Stats +14, PvE Damage +5%
    +17 All Stats +16, PvE Damage +5%
    +18 All Stats +18, PvE Damage +6%
    +19 All Stats +20, PvE Damage +8%
    +20 All Stats +25, PvE Damage +10%

    2. Quest: Chainsaw

    Location: Flaris
    NPC: Romero
    Level: +15
    Task: Collect 10x Gas Cans (from level 15+ monsters) and bring them to Albert. He’ll give you a Chainsaw 2021 in return.

    Note: The Chainsaw is required for the follow-up quest. For the follow-up quest, however, the Chainsaw only needs to be in your inventory.

    The Chainsaw lasts 24 hours. For the follow-up quest, however, the Chainsaw only needs to be in the inventory (it also works when the Chainsaw is expired).

    Icon              Name                                          Description                             QTY Bind?
    gas-can Gas Can 2021 Questitem: Can be droped by monsters +15 10 No
    chain-saw Chainsaw 2021 Quest item: For the 3rd quest it needs to be in your inventory. (It also works when the Chainsaw is expired). 1 Yes

    3. Quest Zombies

    Location: Flaris
    NPC: Dr. Frankenstein
    Level: 15+
    Required item: Chainsaw 2021
    Task: Hunt Male Zombies and Female Zombies (with a Chainsaw equipped or laying in your inventory, it also works when the Chainsaw is expired) to drop the Helloween Skeleton Box. Collect all 6 zombie parts (from the Helloween Skeleton Box). Give them to Dr. Frankenstein and get a Bone Golem (Pick-Up Pet).

    1. Note: Once the quest has been completed, it cannot be repeated.
    2. Note: After completing the quest, the zombies will no longer drop boxes.
    3. Note: Zombies are level 15 monsters with 10 HP that take 1 damage. They are distributed all over Madrigal (non-premium), in some places there are huge herds e.g. in the “Dead Desert” in Darkon 3.
    4. Note: With drop items and drop skills you get more Helloween Skeleton Boxes, you should also farm with an AOE class.

    Icon              Name                                          Description                             QTY Bind?
    zombie-box Helloween Skeleton Box Box: Is dropped by Male and Female Zombies with Chainsaw 2021 in your inventory / in your hand.
    (Drop amount at least 1 per monster + drop skills and drop items)
    1 No
    revived-skeleton Bone Golem Pick-Up Pet: Collects items 1 No

    The Female- and Male Zombie

    Helloween Skeleton Box

    (One of the following items)

    Icon                  Name                                              Description                             QTY Bind?
    itm_SkeletonHead Skeleton Head Event Quest item: 1 of 6 quest items for Dr. Frankenstein 1 No
    itm_SkeletoLeftArm Skeleton Left Arm Event Quest item: 1 of 6 quest items for Dr. Frankenstein 1 No
    itm_SkeletoRightArm Skeleton Right Arm Event Quest item: 1 of 6 quest items for Dr. Frankenstein 1 No
    itm_SkeletoLeftLeg Skeleton Left Leg Event Quest item: 1 of 6 quest items for Dr. Frankenstein 1 No
    itm_SkeletoRightLeg Skeleton Right Leg Event Quest item: 1 of 6 quest items for Dr. Frankenstein 1 No
    itm_SkeletonChest Skeleton Torso Event Quest item: 1 of 6 quest items for Dr. Frankenstein 1 No
    itm_PumpkingLollipop Pumpkin Lollipop Consumable: Attack +20%, HP +20%, All Stats +11. Lasts 20 Minutes.

    Hint: This item doesn't have a combination restriction, you don't lose it when you die.
    2 No
    Itm_Halloweenpie Halloween Pumpkin Pie Consumable: Attack +10%, Attack-Speed +10%. Lasts 20 Minutes.

    Hint: This item doesn't have a combination restriction, you don't lose it when you die.
    1 Yes
    Itm_Ghostcookie Ghost Cookie Consumable: Speed +5%, Parry +5%. Lasts 20 Minutes.

    Hint: This item doesn't have a combination restriction, you don't lose it when you die.
    1 Yes
    fly-icon FLY Consumable: Speed+15% for 1 Hour 1 No
    for-icon FOR Consumable: DEF +150 for 1 Hour 1 No
    fun-icon FUN Consumable: Attack +200 for 1 Hour 1 No
    pumpkin-pie Pumpkin Pie Food: Recovers +5000 HP 10 No
    pumpkin-soup-icon Pumpkin Soup Consumable: +50% FP for 30 Seconds 1 No
    medicinal-herbs Herb of Life Food: Recovers +2000 HP 1 No
    pure-salt-icon Sugar Boost Consumable: All Stats +5 for 3 Minutes 1 No

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