CS Sets ohne Effekten 1

Liste aller in Deutschland veröffentlichten CS Sets ohne Set Effekten.
Zusätzlich sind alle CS Sets ohne Effekten aufgelistet, die bisher nur in den Philippinen veröffentlicht wurden.
Es besteht immer die Möglichkeit, dass einige der PH Sets zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt bei uns veröffentlicht werden, sollte es Webzen wollen.              

Veröffentlichte CS Sets ohne Effekten

American Football Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
american-football-set-m-gif american-football-set-f-gif American Football Helmet
American Football Uniform
American Football Gloves
American Football Shoes

Army Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
army-set-m-gif army-set-f-gif Army Helmet
Army Suit
Army Gloves
Army Shoes

Ascot Girl Set (F)

Aussehen Icon Name
ascot-girl-set-f-gif Ascot Girl Hat
Ascot Girl Dress
Ascot Girl Gloves
Ascot Girl Shoes

Astronaut Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
astronaut-set-m-gif astronaut-set-f-gif Astronaut Helmet
Astronaut Costume
Astronaut Gloves
Astronaut Shoes

Bad Wolf Set / Red Riding Hood Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (M) Name (M) Name (F)
bad-wolf-set-m-gif red-riding-hood-set-f-gif Bad Wolf Hat Red Riding Hood Hat
Bad Wolf Costume Red Riding Hood Costume
Bad Wolf Gloves Hands
Bad Wolf Shoes Red Riding Hood Shoes

Baseball Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
baseball-set-m-gif baseball-set-f-gif Baseball Helmet
Baseball Suit
Baseball Gloves
Baseball Shoes

Bathing Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
bathing-set-m-gif bathing-set-f-gif Bathing Cap
Bathing Slipper

Beach Swimsuit Green Set / Bikini Blue Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (M) Name (M) Name (F)
beach-swimsuit-green-set-m-gif bikini-blue-set-f-gif - -
Beach Swimsuit Green Bikini Blue
Hands Hands
Brown Sandal Brown Sandal

Biker Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
biker-set-m-gif biker-set-f-gif Biker Hat
Biker Suit
Biker Gloves
Biker Shoes

Black Diving Suit Set / Pink Swimwear Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (M) Name (M) Name (F)
black-diving-suit-set-m-gif pink-swimwear-set-f-gif - -
Black Diving Suit Pink Swimwear
- -
Yellow Webfoot Pink Flower Sandal

Black Swimwear Set / Black Bikini Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (M) Name (M) Name (F)
2-black-swimwear-set-m 2-black-bikini-set-f - -
Black Swimwear Black Bikini
- -
Black Beach Shoes Black Beach Shoes

Blue Snowboarder Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
blue-snowboarder-set-m-gif blue-snowboarder-set-f-gif Blue Snowboarder Hat
Blue Snowboarder Suit
Blue Snowboarder Gloves
Blue Snowboarder Shoes

Blue Bunny Yukata Set / Violet Bunny Yukata Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (M) Name (M) Name (F)
blue-bunny-yukata-set-m-gif violet-bunny-yukata-set-f-gif Blue Bunny Yukata Hat Violet Bunny Yukata Hat
Blue Bunny Yukata Suit Violet Bunny Yukata Suit
Blue Bunny Yukata Gloves Violet Bunny Yukata Gloves
Blue Bunny Yukata Boots Violet Bunny Yukata Boots

Blue Santa Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
blue-santa-set-m-gif blue-santa-set-f-gif Blue Santa Hat
Blue Santa Suit
Blue Santa Gloves
Blue Santa Shoes

Bodyguard Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
bodyguard-set-m-gif bodyguard-set-f-gif -
Bodyguard Suit
Bodyguard Shoes

Bollywood Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
bollywood-set-m-gif bollywood-set-f-gif Bollywood Hat
Bollywood Suit
Bollywood Gloves
Bollywood Shoes

Bridegroom Set / Bride Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (M) Name (M) Name (F)
bridegroom-set-m-gif bride-set-f-gif Bridegroom Hair Bride Hair
Bridegroom Tuxedo Bride Dress
Bridegroom Hands Bride Hands
Bridegroom Shoes Bride Shoes

Brown Bunny Yukata Set / Purple Bunny Yukata Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (M) Name (M) Name (F)
brown-bunny-yukata-set-m-gif purple-bunny-yukata-set-f-gif Brown Bunny Yukata Hat Purple Bunny Yukata Hat
Brown Bunny Yukata Suit Purple Bunny Yukata Suit
Brown Bunny Yukata Gloves Purple Bunny Yukata Gloves
Brown Bunny Yukata Boots Purple Bunny Yukata Boots

Bruce Set / Chapao Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (M) Name (M) Name (F)
bruce-set-m-gif chapao-set-f-gif - -
Bruce Clothes Chapao Clothes
Bruce Lee Fist
(nicht in der Setbox)
Chapao Bracelet
Bruce Shoes Chapao Shoes

Budokan Set / Lotus Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (M) Name (M) Name (F)
budokan-set-m-gif lotus-set-f-gif Budokan Hat Lotus Hat
Budokan Suit Lotus Dress
Budokan Gloves Lotus Gloves
Budokan Shoes Lotus Shoes

Bull Set / Milk Cow Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (M) Name (M) Name (F)
bull-set-m-gif milk-cow-set-f-gif Bull Hat Milk Cow Hat
Bull Suit Milk Cow Suit
Bull Gloves Milk Cow Gloves
Bull Shoes Milk Cow Shoes

Bunny Set (F)

Aussehen Icon Name
bunny-set-f-gif Bunny Hat
Bunny Suit
Bunny Gloves
Bunny Shoes

Casual Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
casual-set-m-gif casual-set-f-gif Casual Hat
Casual Clothes
Casual Gloves
Casual Shoes

Cat Set (Männlich)(Weiblich)

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name (M) Name (F)
cat-set-maennlich-gif cat-set-weiblich-gif Cat Hat (Männlich) Cat Hat (Weiblich)
Cat Costume (Männlich) Cat Costume (Weiblich)
Cat Gloves (Männlich) Cat Gloves (Weiblich)
Cat Shoes (Männlich) Cat Shoes (Weiblich)

Cats Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
cats-set-m-gif cats-set-f-gif Cats Hat
Cats Suit
Cats Gloves
Cats Shoes

Chile Traditional Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
chile-traditional-set-m-gif chile-traditional-set-f-gif Chile Traditional Hat
Chile Traditional Suit
Chile Traditional Glove
Chile Traditional Shoes

Chinese Ghost Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
chinese-ghost-set-m-gif chinese-ghost-set-f-gif Chinese Ghost Hat
Chinese Ghost Suit
Chinese Ghost Shoes

Christmas Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
christmas-set-m-gif christmas-set-f-gif Christmas Hat
Christmas Suit
Christmas Gloves
Christmas Shoes

Clown Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
clown-set-m-gif clown-set-f-gif Clown Hat
Clown Suit
Clown Shoes

Cook Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
cook-set-m-gif cook-set-f-gif Cook Hat
Cook Costume
Cook Shoes

Cowboy Set / Cowgirl Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (M) Name (M) Name (F)
cowboy-set-m-gif cowgirl-set-f-gif Cowboy Hat Cowgirl Hat
Cowboy Suit Cowgirl Suit
Hands Hands
Cowboy boots Cowgirl boots

Daddy EJ Set / Mommy Mel Set

(Zu dem Mommy Mel Set gehört noch eine Mask, welches das Aussehen der Heart Sunglasses hat.
Diese werden leider im Model Programm nicht richtig mit dem Gesicht angezeicht und wurden deswegen aus dem GIF entfernt.)

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (M) Name (M) Name (F)
daddy-ej-set-m-gif mommy-mel-set-f-gif Daddy EJ Hat Mommy Mel Hat
Daddy EJ Suit Mommy Mel Suit
Daddy EJ Gloves Mommy Mel Gloves
Daddy EJ Shoes Mommy Mel Shoes
Daddy EJ Mask Mommy Mel Mask
Daddy EJ Cloak Mommy Mel Cloak

Dandy Set / Vamp Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name (M) Name (F)
dandy-set-m-gif vamp-set-f-gif Dandy Hair Vamp Hair
Dandy Costume Vamp Costume
Hands Hands
Dandy Shoes Vamp Shoes

Dark-blue Yukata Set / Red Yukata Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (M) Name (M) Name (F)
dark-blue-yukata-set-m-gif red-yukata-set-f-gif - -
Dark-blue Yukata Red Yukata
Hands Hands
Geta Geta

Dark Nurse Set (F)

Aussehen Icon Name
dark-nurse-set-f-gif Dark Nurse Hat
Dark Nurse Suit
Dark Nurse Gloves
Dark Nurse Shoes

Dark Shade Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
dark-shade-set-m-gif dark-shade-set-f-gif Dark Shade Helmet
Dark Shade Suit
Dark Shade Gauntlet
Dark Shade Boots

Devil Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
devil-set-m-gif devil-set-f-gif Devil Hat
Devil Suit
Devil Gloves
Devil Shoes

Flower Fairy Set (F)

Aussehen Icon Name
flower-fairy-set-f-gif Flower Fairy Hat
Flower Fairy Suit
Flower Fairy Glove
Flower Fairy Shoe

Forest Fairy Set (F)

Aussehen Icon Name
forest-fairy-set-f-gif Forest Fairy Hat
Forest Fairy Suit
Forest Fairy Gloves
Forest Fairy Shoes

Freestyle Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name (M) Name (F)
freestyle-set-m-gif freestyle-set-f-gif Freestyle Cap Freestyle Hair Band
Freestyle Clothes Freestyle Clothes
Hands Hands
Freestyle Sport Shoes Freestyle Sport Shoes

Frog Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
frog-set-m-gif frog-set-f-gif Frog Hat
Frog Suit
Frog Gloves
Frog Shoes

Frog Set 2015

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
frog-set-2015-m-gif frog-set-2015-f-gif Frog Hat 2015
Frog Suit 2015
Frog Gloves 2015
Frog Shoes 2015

German Traditional Suit Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
german-traditional-suit-set-m-gif german-traditional-suit-set-f-gif German Traditional Hat
German Traditional Suit
German Traditional Boots

Giraffe Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (F) Name
giraffe-set-m-gif giraffe-set-f-gif Giraffe Hat
Giraffe Suit
Giraffe Gloves
Giraffe Boots

Green Beach Wear Set / Purple Bikini Set

Aussehen (M) Aussehen (F) Icon (M) Icon (M) Name (M) Name (F)
green-beach-wear-set-m-gif purple-bikini-set-f-gif - -
Green Beach Wear Purple Bikini
- -
Green Summer Sneaker Purple Slipper

Views: 1781

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We switched to Flyff Universe

Welcome to madrigalinside.com

Welcome to madrigalinside.com, our Flyff Universe Wiki.

Flyff Universe is the multiplatform version of Flyff PC.
Developed by a French startup made of passionate Flyff players in collaboration with Gala Lab. Join the huge player base in a regularly updated Flyff version.
Over there we have ‘Game Data Info’ directly from the official API and many manually created Guides.

We switched to Flyff Universe

Welcome to madrigalinside.com

Welcome to madrigalinside.com, our Flyff Universe Wiki.

Flyff Universe is the multiplatform version of Flyff PC.
Developed by a French startup made of passionate Flyff players in collaboration with Gala Lab. Join the huge player base in a regularly updated Flyff version.
Over there we have ‘Game Data Info’ directly from the official API and many manually created Guides.