Set du Sage Meteoneeker

Aperçu (M) Aperçu (F) Icône (M) Icône (F) Nom           Bonus                      Bonus de set           
meteonyker-set-m meteonyker-set-f Couronne du Sage Meteoneeker - 4/6:
Attaque +15%, Incant. +10%, Dépla. +10%
Attaque +15%, Incant. +10%, Dépla. +10%, PV +10%
Attaque +15%, Incant. +10%, Dépla. +10%, PV +10%, All Stats +10
Costume du Sage Meteoneeker -
Gants du Sage Meteoneeker -
Bottes du Sage Meteoneeker -
Masque de Vengeance / Fer / Agile du Sage Meteoneeker V: Attaque +10%, Blocage à distance +10%, Incant. +5%

F: Attaque +10%, PV +10%,
Critique +5%

A: Attaque +10%, Esquiver +10%, DCC +5%
Manteau du Sage Meteoneeker Puissance magique +200, Dépla. +17%,
PM +15%

Views: 701

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Our Flyff Project Universe Wiki is now live

Welcome to

Welcome to, our Project Universe Wiki.

Project Universe is the multiplatform version of Flyff PC.
Developed by a French startup made of passionate Flyff players in collaboration with Gala Lab, this new game is coming back to the origins of Flyff, starting with v7.
Over there we have ‘Game Data Info’ directly from the official API as well as some manually created Guides.

Our Flyff Universe Wiki is now live

Welcome to

Welcome to, our Flyff Universe Wiki.

Flyff Universe is the multiplatform version of Flyff PC.
Developed by a French startup made of passionate Flyff players in collaboration with Gala Lab, this new game is coming back to the origins of Flyff, starting with v7.
Over there we have ‘Game Data Info’ directly from the official API as well as some manually created Guides.