
Comment accéder à cette île ?

Ticket Rartesia | Multipass

Vous pouvez vous rendre à Rartesia via ce ticket disponible dans la  boutique du jeu. Le Multipass quant à lui n’est disponible que lors de certains événements.

Lapin Gardien

Lv 116

1 of 7

Tortue Ninja

Lv 118

2 of 7

Tortue Escrimeuse

Lv 120

3 of 7

Tortue Assassine

Lv 122

4 of 7

Tortue Barbare

Lv 124

5 of 7

Tortue Hoplite

Lv 126

6 of 7

Tortue Tyran

Lv 127

7 of 7


(Cliquez sur le monstre ou sur un bouton rouge sur la carte pour afficher des informations supplémentaires et la liste des drops du monstre)


Visits: 1146


Wie komme ich auf die Insel?

Rartesia Ticket | Premium Ticket

Du kannst mit Hilfe dieser Tickets aus dem Cashshop auf Rartesia gelangen.

Rabbit Guarder

Lv 116

1 of 7

Turtle Sworder

Lv 118

2 of 7

Turtle Fighter

Lv 120

3 of 7

Turtle Assassin

Lv 122

4 of 7

Turtle Axe

Lv 124

5 of 7

Turtle Spear

Lv 126

6 of 7

Turtle King

Lv 127

7 of 7


(Klicke auf das Monster oder auf den pulsierenden Button in der Map, um dir Zusatzinfos und die Dropliste des Monsters anzeigen zu lassen)


Visits: 12457

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Our Flyff Project Universe Wiki is now live

Welcome to madrigalinside.com

Welcome to madrigalinside.com, our Project Universe Wiki.

Project Universe is the multiplatform version of Flyff PC.
Developed by a French startup made of passionate Flyff players in collaboration with Gala Lab, this new game is coming back to the origins of Flyff, starting with v7.
Over there we have ‘Game Data Info’ directly from the official API as well as some manually created Guides.

Our Flyff Universe Wiki is now live

Welcome to madrigalinside.com

Welcome to madrigalinside.com, our Flyff Universe Wiki.

Flyff Universe is the multiplatform version of Flyff PC.
Developed by a French startup made of passionate Flyff players in collaboration with Gala Lab, this new game is coming back to the origins of Flyff, starting with v7.
Over there we have ‘Game Data Info’ directly from the official API as well as some manually created Guides.